42 Jack Reacher Movie Quotes 2016 Never Go Back | dailogues and Sayings 19th October

By: Palak

Best Jack Reacher Movie Quotes 2016 Never Go Back Movie dailogues and Sayings 19th October

Are you looking for Jack Reacher Movie Quotes 2016.so your searches is ends here.this Movies is Hoolywood's Movie , this was released on 19th of October 2016.The Main Categories of Jack Reacher Movie Quotes 2016 are jack reacher never go back book, jack reacher movie 2, jack reacher film series, jack reacher full movie, jack reacher 2012, jack reacher never go back release date, jack reacher never go back trailer.

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Jack Reacher Movie Quotes on Wikipedia

jack reacher never go back castInvestigator Jack Reacher (Tom Cruise) springs into action after the arrest of Susan Turner (Cobie Smulders), an Army major accused of treason. Suspecting foul play, Jack embarks on a mission to prove that the head of his old unit is innocent. After crossing paths with the law, Reacher must now go on.
Initial release: October 19, 2016 (Indonesia)
Director: Edward Zwick
Film series: Jack Reacher Film Series
Budget: 96 million USD
Producers: Tom Cruise, Don Granger

Jack Reacher Movie Quotes Picture 

Jack Reacher Movie Quotes
Jack Reacher Movie Quotes

20 Jack Reacher Movie Quotes and sayings

1) Pay Whatever Price Is Necessary To Acquire A Great Leader – If this movie starred a no-name actor it would make little to no impact in the marketplace. But by securing Tom Cruise to play the lead role, it ensured the film will generate hundreds of millions of dollars globally.  Whatever the studio is paying him is worth it.  Great leaders are worth every penny you pay them.  Never go cheap on leadership.

2) You Never Have To Recover From A Good Start – The movie opens in impression fashion with Reacher arresting an officer who was participating in illegal immigration activities.

3) It Is Important To Develop A Set Of Skills – Reacher has incredible combat and reasoning skills.  These skills allow him to be successful in whatever situation he is placed in.

4) Successful Leaders Are Reliable And Dependable – Before being arrested the sheriff asked, “Who are you?”  To which Reacher responds, “The guy you didn’t count on.”

5) Leaders Must Be Willing To Change – When asked why he retired from active military work, Reacher said, “I woke up one morning and the uniform didn’t fit.”
Successful Leaders Are Clear Communicators And Provide Clear Direction – Reacher told Major Turner, played by Colbie Smulders, “The job is about giving orders.”

6) Successful Leaders Take Action And Make Things Happen – They are not passive.  Reacher said, “It’s time we stop running and start hunting.”

7) Successful Leaders Know When To Use Discretion – Reacher told four contractors who followed him into an abandoned building to kill him, “You followed me in here.  That was a mistake.”

8) Strong Leaders Protect Others – Samantha, a young girl Reacher was protecting throughout the movie, said, “Strong guys don’t hurt you.  Weak guys do.  Strong guys have little sisters or want one.”

10) Trust Your Training – During the climatic fight scene, Samantha used her limited training to escape death.

11) Not Having A Father Leaves A Hole In Your Heart – Samantha was abandoned by her father at a young age.  When she discovered Reacher was not her father, the disappointment was sad to watch.

12) “Spread love and understanding,” Reacher said. “Use force if necessary.” 

13) “if you can’t acquaint an opponent with reason, you must acquaint his head with the sidewalk.” 

14) “How much do you work out?"
"I don't," he said. "It's genetic." Which it was. Puberty had brought him many things unbidden, including height and weight and an extreme mesomorph physique, with a six-pack like a cobbled city street, and a chest like a suit of NFL armor, and biceps like basketballs, and subcutaneous fat like a Kleenex tissue. He had never messed with any of it. No diets. No weights. No gym time. If it ain't broke, don't fix it, was his attitude.”

15) “Like they were puppets, and the puppeteer had sneezed.”

16) “A person either runs or he fights. It’s a binary choice, and I’m a fighter.” 

17) “Spread love and understanding,” Reacher said. “Use force if necessary.” “Who said that?” “Leon Trotsky, I think.” “He was stabbed to death with an ice pick. In Mexico.” “That doesn’t invalidate his overall position. Not in and of itself.” “What was his overall position?” “Solid. He also said, if you can’t acquaint an opponent with reason, you must acquaint his head with the sidewalk. He was a man of sound instincts. In his private life, I mean. Apart from getting stabbed to death with an ice pick in Mexico, that is.” 

18) “We're your legal advisors.'
Which they weren't, obviously. Reacher knew that. Army lawyers don't travel in pairs and breathe through their mouths.” 

19) “Feral, from the Latin adjective ferus, wild, via bestia fear, wild animal. Generally held to mean having escaped from domestication, and having devolved back to a natural state.
Turner said, "It's like you've been sanded down to nothing but yes and no, and you and them, and black and white, and live or die. It makes me wonder, what does that to a person?"
"Life," Reacher said. "Mine, anyway."

20) "You're like a predator. Cold, and hard. Like this whole thing. You have it all mapped out. The four guys in the car, and their bosses. You're swimming toward them, right now, and there's going to be blood in the water. Yours or theirs, but there's going to be blood.” 

21) “He’s worth having. All I got was two fake lawsuits.” “Seems like Morgan’s value just went down, as part of a credible”

22) “A lesson learned long ago: the human brain was much more sensitive to side-to-side displacement than front-to-back. An evolutionary quirk, presumably, like most things.” 

23) “This is why we need more women officers. For us it’s enough to win. For you, the other guy has to know he lost.” 

24) “The range had been exceptional. An apartment balcony fourteen hundred yards away had been identified as the rifleman’s hide. Fourteen hundred yards is more than three-quarters of a mile. The French president had been at an open-air podium behind”

25) “Both were military. That was clear.Reacher could tell by their haircuts. No civilian barber would be as pragmatic or as brutal.” 

26) “SAWs were not metal things with little teeth, good for cutting wood. SAWs were Squad Automatic Weapons, which were fearsome fully-automatic machine guns, with fearsome capacities and fearsome capabilities.” 

27) “Fatherhood. Always unlikely. Like winning the Nobel Prize, or playing in the World Series. Not for him.”

28) “Fatherhood was up there as one of the most commonplace male experiences in all of human history. But to Reacher it had always seemed unlikely. Just purely theoretical. Like winning the Nobel Prize, or playing in the World Series, or being able to sing. Possible in principle, but always likely to pass him by. A destination for other people, but not for him.” 

29) “You make me feel uncomfortable."
"I'm sorry."
"Not your fault", she said. "It's just the way you are."
"And what way is that?"
"You're like something feral!” 

30) “Reacher was led through the door on the left and onward to an interview room. Which had no windows. Just four blank walls, and a table bolted to the floor, with two chairs on one side and one on the other. The room had not been designed by the dining room guy. That was clear. There was no blond wood or carpet. Just scuffed white paint on cinder block, and a cracked concrete floor, and a fluorescent bulb in a wire cage on the ceiling.” 

31) “They figured they would eat in California. Which would make them hungry, but Reacher didn't mind being hungry. he believed hunger kept him sharp. He believed is stimulated creativity in the brain. Another old evolutionary legacy. If you're hungry, you work out a smarter way to get the next woolly mammoth, today, not tomorrow.” 

32) “Turner eased to a stop, third car in line, in a narrowing lane, with the guard shack ahead on her left, and an unbroken row of concrete dragons’ teeth on her right, each one of them a squat, truncated pyramid about three feet tall, each one of them no doubt built on a rebar armature and socketed deep below grade.” 

33) “A real coin flipped by a real human trended closer to 51-49 in favor of whichever side was uppermost at the outset. No one could explain exactly why, but the phenomenon was easily observed in experiments. Something to do with multiple axes of spin, and wobble, and aerodynamics, and the general difference between theory and practice.”

34) “Although he had read that Pittsburgh was becoming an in-demand moviemaking town.” 

35) “The grounds had an iron fence set in a stone knee wall, which was just wide enough for a small person to sit on, and Turner was a small person, and Reacher was used to being uncomfortable.” 

36) “Twice a day the small white compact moved, for meals, she guessed, or bathroom breaks, and about four times a day the Hummer and the Charger swapped positions, but there was apparently no coordination between the agencies, because once a day in the early morning everyone was missing at the same time, for about twenty minutes. Zero agents, zero hour. The street went back to its normal self. Some kind of logic issue, she supposed, or simple math, like in class, with x number of cars, and y number of locations, and z number of hours to cover. Something had to give.” 

37) “It had maroon paint and exposed brick and scarred wood, and a chalkboard menu about ninety percent full of things that don’t really belong in coffee, like dairy products of various types and temperatures, and weird nut-based flavorings, and many other assorted pollutants.” 

38) “You know where the word shrapnel comes from?” “Where?” “An eighteenth-century British guy named Henry Shrapnel.” “Really?” “He was a captain in their artillery for eight years. Then he invented an exploding shell, and they promoted him to major. The Duke of Wellington used the shell in the Peninsular Wars, and at the Battle of Waterloo.” 

39) “Reacher got to them on the plane. He put them out of action and stole their wallets.” “On the plane?” “He broke Lozano’s fingers and Baldacci’s arms and no one noticed.” “That’s not possible.” “Apparently it is. One against two, on an airplane, with a hundred witnesses. It’s a blatant humiliation. And now he’s renting cars on our dime? Who does this guy think he is?” 

40) “Shrago stayed on his feet for a long second, and then his knees got the message that the lights were out upstairs, and he went down in a vertical heap, like he had jumped off a wall.” 

41) “We’ll have to reason with them.” “Are you serious?” “Spread love and understanding,” Reacher said. “Use force if necessary.” “Who said that?” “Leon Trotsky, I think.” “He was stabbed to death with an ice pick. In Mexico.” “That doesn’t invalidate his overall position. Not in and of itself.” “What was his overall position?” “Solid. He also said, if you can’t acquaint an opponent with reason, you must acquaint his head with the sidewalk. He was a man of sound instincts. In his private life, I mean. Apart from getting stabbed to death with an ice pick in Mexico, that is.” 

42) “Reacher said nothing in reply to that. Feral, from the Latin adjective ferus, wild, via bestia fera, wild animal. Generally held to mean having escaped from domestication, and having devolved back to a natural state.” 

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