Durga Puja Quotes and sayings of Indian festival 2016

By: Palak

Durga Puja Quotes and sayings of Indian festival 2016

Durga Puja is an Indian festival. it is celebrated on 9th of October every year.it is famous is west bengal. The Bengali version of Dussehra, Durga Puja/ Durga Pujo is, as the name suggests, dedicated to the worship of West Bengal's most beloved deity- the Goddess Durga, the embodiment of all feminine virtues representing power and unity. Durga Puja is the time to worship ‘Shakti’ or divine power.

As per the Hindu calendar, Durga Puja is celebrated on the 9th day of the Ashvin month which occurs in the autumn months around September/ October.

this festival continues for a period of 9 days.Although Durga Puja is celebrated with much fervor in the entire northern India, traditions of Durga Puja vary from state to state. In Gujarat and Maharashtra Durga Puja or Navratra as it is more commonly known celebrations are accompanied by garba and dandiya.  Before this Festival i thought to Published Some Motivational Quotes and Inspirational Quotes etc. 

The Main Categories of this Quote are  World Festival Quotes, Quotes, Sayings, Durga Puja . and the Quote is this.
Durga Puja
Durga Puja

Durga Puja Quotes and sayings of Indian festival 2016

  1. Durga (Devi) is synonymous with Shakti or the Divine Power that manifests, sustains and transforms the universe as the one unifying Force of Existence. 'Shakti is the very possibility of the Absolute's appearing as many, of God's causing this universe. God creates this world through Srishti-Shakti (creative power), preserves through Sthiti-Shakti (preservative power), and destroys through Samhara-Shakti (destructive power). Shakti and Shakta are one; the power and the one who possesses the power cannot be separated; God and Shakti are like fire and heat of fire.- Swami Sivananda 
  2. Man, the imperfect, the bound, the sorrowful, has a thousand enemies within. He is riddled with negative thoughts fears, yearnings. These are selfishness, jealousy, meanness, prejudice and hatred just to mention but a few. The Sadhak must get rid of these lawless villains within. With Mother Durga's kripa, these destructive masters are to be annihilated. Invoke the Mother Terrible to help us annihilate within ourselves all negative forces; all weaknesses, - all littleness.- Swami Chinmayananda
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