Latest 15 Billy Bush Best Quotes and Sayings on Air 2016

By: Palak

Best Billy Bush Best Quotes and Sayings 2016  

Quotations by Billy Bush, American Entertainer, Born October 13, 1971. Share withpublicaly. I'm not slick. I'm not polished. I think my strength is in reacting. Billy Bush.Discover 32 Billy Bush Quotes: Billy Bush: 'I'm not slick. I'm not polished. I think my strength is in reacting.Collection of Billy Bush quotes, from the older more famous Billy Bush quotes to all new quotes by Billy Bush.

Biography of Billy Bush

William Hall "Billy" Bush is an American radio and television host. He hosted The Billy Bush Show, a nationally syndicated radio show that aired throughout the United States. Wikipedia
Born: October 13, 1971 (age 44), Manhattan, New York City, New York, United States
Height: 1.75 m
Spouse: Sydney Davis (m. 1998)
Parents: Jonathan Bush, Josephine Bush
Siblings: Jonathan S. Bush
Children: Mary Bradley Bush, Josie Bush, Lillie Bush

The Main Categories of this Quote are  Billy Bush, Billy Bush Quotes, Billy Bush Quotations, Sayings of Billy Bush, quotes of Billy Bush, Billy Bush sayings, , . and the Quote is this.

Billy Bush Quotes
Billy Bush Quotes

Best Billy Bush Best Quotes and Sayings 2016 

1. "100 million iphones don't lie. What an amazing man. He is the apple of all of our i's. We have an i everything and its all so amazing." ~ Billy Bush

2. "I'm not slick. I'm not polished. I think my strength is in reacting." ~ Billy Bush

3. "Dinner, basketball game, four guys - classic." ~ Billy Bush

4. "I don't do politics. I just like to laugh." ~ Billy Bush

5. "I have the iPad and I love Words With Friends." ~ Billy Bush

6. "I was a choir boy for 3 years in high school at St. George's in Newport, Rhode Island." ~ Billy Bush

7. "I'm a blue-shirt guy." ~ Billy Bush

8. "In the next minute, I will be entirely naked. In the minute after that, fully dressed." ~ Billy Bush

9. "Professional golfer... what a life." ~ Billy Bush

10. "Steadman! Any guy that's got Oprah as a girlfriend, I mean that's a good dude. I want to talk to him." ~ Billy Bush

11. "E.T.' and 'Extra,' they are too salacious. They go, Oooh, Katie Couric just broke up with X. 'Access Hollywood' is really good entertainment news. It's not dirty, and we don't get cheap." ~ Billy Bush

12. Everybody thinks the Bushes are from Texas. I've been there twice. ~ Billy Bush

13. I'm not slick. I'm not polished. I think my strength is in reacting.~ Billy Bush

14. Everybody thinks the Bushes are from Texas. I've been there twice. ~ Billy Bush

15. Professional golfer... what a life. ~ Billy Bush

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