Today's Taurus Daily Horoscope 2017

By: Palak

Taurus Horoscope 2017

2017 is a mixed bag year. On one hand you will be fortuitous to make your bank balance much healthier; on the other hand, you will need to work really hard for doing so. There are times when the going may seem a little too difficult for you. But you are nothing if not known for your perseverance; thus you will come out of this situation too. The monetary aspect looks bright for you Taurus born natives and the year will end in a very high note with a fatter bank balance for you. Your pay could rise or you could have hit upon an inheritance, lottery or some kind of settlement; but the year end signifies a lot of monetary benefits. However you are also cautioned to exercise the urge to spend. There will be times this year when you will feel a lack of decision making ability in your part, but know that deep inside you will be having an option to reactions that is taking place around you. The Pluto transiting in the Quincy to your sun will bring forth and expose some of your deep psychological difficulties.

Love and Relationship

Your love life this year will not be a smooth sailing. There will be major challenges. A sudden problem may appear which will undermine the future of your relationship. You need to show great restraint in matters of love and romance this year. Weak relationships will not be able to survive this time of Saturn’s movement in February.

Pluto being retrograde complicates matters of the heart in the month of April and marriage neither divorce is advisable now. Mars moving into the 7th house will further estrange couples and put a greater strain on relationships. Personal relationships, because of Venus being retrograde still are undergoing testing time. Singles will find opportunities of finding a match, but will be more bothered with the issue of marriage and commitment. Married couples will be tested by temptations outside marriage leading to deterioration of relationship.

Career and Business

Set up a long term financial plan which is achievable irrespective of the unstable nature of your professional area. The new moon in January will bring clarity to all career related dilemmas. The career sector is strong this month. Uranus starts to move forward on the 13th of December and it gives Taurus a mental clarity and a plan to move forward. There will be success and promotions. The retrograde of Uranus affects your career and it slows down, signaling that one should avoid making important career decisions. Use your imaginations and determination to make the most of your career this year. Networking and relationship with the right set of people will assure you of career advancement in 2017. Mercury going retrograde thrice leads to miscommunication and wrong judgments in matters of career and business. Financial planning needs to be strong and you need to work on your professional relationships if you wish to succeed as this year is a little critical.

Health and Wellness

Health will be good while Pluto is in a retrograde position. Saturn being stressful in October, health and vitality suffers and there could be multiple health problems. You should take care of your diet to stay healthy. Learn to accept things as they are and don’t push them, as that will cause a decrease in your vitality and your well being and will also lead to ailments.

Money and Finance

Finances look good; however there could be certain disagreements with your other half regarding the financial issues in January. it is advisable not to speculate on February march. You probably will be spending some money on your personal image upliftment this year. There are indications of moving, buying or selling a property at this period and the solar eclipse happening on the 20th April shows the way for long term financial planning. The sun indicates a financial peak happening. Do not make any major decisions of purchase before the 8th of August as Mercury only starts moving forward on this date. Jupiter, the planet of luck becomes retrograde on the 4th of October, indicating that your partner needs to be extremely cautious in all monetary dealings during this time. There could be financial glitches this year and prudence should be maintained in all dealings. However things will improve from the second half of the year and due to common business or friendly connection finance will look better. A person born under Pisces, Scorpio or Cancer should be considered lucky. There will also be certain major purchases.

Family and Relatives

There will be the shallow insincerity of your close and loved people, who would make you, go back to the drawing board about your plans and relationships. . There could be some kind of a family crisis which needs to be handled. Domestic problems may cause in the purchase of newer things or appliances in the house. Some may even gather money to start a new house or may get a property. Show humility to elders to get a congenial atmosphere. Venus enters the 4th house on the 7th September and indicates that home and relationships should remain a major focus area. You will start making amendments for the major misunderstandings amongst relations. There could be a remarriage of a family member. Home and family life will see a marked improvement and couples having a problem will see resolution happening to them. The legally separated people might find a mate to their liking and plan to settle down once again. Marriage is foreseen towards the end of the year.

Education and Studies

Students will have to work really hard this year and are advised to take special care about their weak subjects before the examination. Those who have already finished their studies and are looking at the job market will find the situation a little disheartening. They should look for a job commensurate with their qualifications.

Areas of Growth

Saturn also signifies what is redundant for you and urges you to lay foundation for a more foreseeable future. As Uranus begins a movement around the Pisces like the last 4 years, it symbolizes a widening of social circles. Your weekends could be filled up with various social activities and the networking will increase. Venus moving into your house of finance there is a greater thrust and focus on your monetary aspect. Jupiter , the planet of abundance moves into your house of money on the 11th of June and extend the period of good fortune which you have been enjoying for so long Avoid taking unnecessary risks and also being prompt in answering.

Areas of Challenge

Uranus and Pluto conjunction suggests that one should be careful about losing their patience and throwing temper tantrums. Taurus are advised once again to avoid confrontation of any kind. there are lot of miscommunication and misunderstandings in the cards. Venus goes retrograde on the 5th of May and suddenly despite knowing how independent you are, you are not certain exactly about what you need to exert your independence. Thus one should definitely avoid any kind of changes during this period as one is not certain as to what one wants. , Students need to exercise caution and foreign travel also does not look too bright. Reduce scopes for taking risks and also pay heed to the tension that has been brewing for the entire year between the closest of relationships. Family members need attention and tempers fly randomly.

Areas of Excitement

For Taurus, Saturn firmly posited in your money house is a good news. Due to this transit, before the year is over you will end up much richer. This also signifies making the most out of your limitations, making do with your resources. Mercury moves through your sign quickly signaling a quick financial peak period. There are business partnerships and joint ventures which are indicated now and this will be a spiritual and religious period.

Areas of Change

In March things will start hastening up and You will seek your spiritual side out following the Mars being retrograde. Unfortunately the romantic aspect still remains shrouded despite your efforts. In 2017 Taurus will have an abundance of energy to see them through the most difficult of times. It is advisable not to oppose too much of what is inevitable and perhaps go with the flow. This year will be a year of social networking and thus it would be advisable to start planning for the same and mixing up with people and opening up lot of doors. This is a year of consolidation and making you an asset which will work in the near future.

  • Favorable Months – January, May and December
  • Unfavorable Months – February, March, April, June, July, August, September, October and November.
  • Favorable Colors – White and Green
  • Lucky Numbers – 6, 5


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