I Love You Whatsapp status for Son: Quotes

By: Palak

I Love You Whatsapp status for Son

Are you looking for I Love You Whatsapp status for Son, Then this post is a beautiful Collection of Whatsapp Status that are drenched in the innocence of the relationship between a father, mother and a son. When was the last time you said something sweet to your son? The years will whizz by and before you know it, he’ll move out and the distance will grow. Think about how you feel when he calls you dad or mom , think about all the wonderful moments you’ve experienced as a parent .Write your thoughts onto a cute note, text or even a short scribble on a greeting cards. Facebook or Pinterest may also the right place to tell your teenage boy how much you love him. Let him know that regardless of all the fights and arguments, deep down inside you want nothing but the best for him. The bond between parents and their kids is unlike any other, celebrate yours with hugs, smiles and memories that last even when you’re long gone.

I Love You Whatsapp status for Son Picture

I Love You Whatsapp status for Son
I Love You Whatsapp status for Son

I Love You Whatsapp status for Son

1) Whenever life puts you in a situation you don’t want to face, just close your eyes and go back to the moment when your mom held you in her arms and said, ‘Don’t worry my child, everything will be alright’.

2) I know that you will be an excellent father when you grow up… because you know exactly what it takes to be a good son. I love you.

3) I am proud of you… not just because you are my son, but because you are the man that I could never be. I love you.

4) We may not be able to fulfil every wish of yours and we feel guilty, because you’ve been everything we could have ever wanted in a son. We love you.

5) As your parents, sometimes, we can’t help but cry. Sometimes, we can’t believe it’s true, that we have a son as perfect as you. We love you.
6) Son, spread your wings and live life to the fullest, because I’m going to live mine through your eyes. I love you.

7) I fear the day you will leave for college. It will be like watching my life’s purpose and the reason for my existence, just walk away. I love you.

8) I didn’t know my purpose in this world and I had always wondered why I was born, until you were born to me. I love you, son.

9) I always knew that I’d be a caring father one day. But the day you were born, made me realize what it would take to be a loving DAD. I love you, son.

10) Neither is your dad a king, nor am I a queen. But you our dear son, have turned out to be nothing less than a handsome and charismatic prince. We love you.

Conclusion:This is All About I Love You Messages for Son, in future i will write or arrange some of more quotes about that.If you Like my efforts than feel free to share this on Social Websites i.eFacebookTwitterGoogle +Pinterest etc.

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