The Accountant Movies Quotes Updated 2016

By: Palak

The Accountant Movies Quotes Updated 2016

Are You Loking For The Accountant Movies Quotes. so your searches is ends here.this Movies is Hoolywood's Movies , this was released on 14th of October 2016. the region is USA, the Director of this film was Gavin O'Connor, the music director of this movie was Mark iSham. this Movie Produced by Mark Williams and Cinematography was Seamus McGarve.

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Christian Wolff (Ben Affleck) is a mathematics savant with more affinity for numbers than people. Using a small-town CPA office as a cover, he makes his living as a freelance accountant for dangerous criminal organizations. With a Treasury agent (J.K. Simmons) hot on his heels, Christian takes on a … More
Initial release: October 14, 2016 (USA)
Director: Gavin O'Connor
Music composed by: Mark Isham
Produced by: Mark Williams
Cinematography: Seamus McGarve
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The Main Categories of this Quote are The Accountant Movies Quotes, the accountant movie trailer, the accountant release date, the accountant full movie, the accountant movie release date, the accountant 2016, the accountant imdb, gavin o'connor, bill dubuque. and the Quote is this.

The Accountant Movies Quotes 2016 Photo

The Accountant Movies Quotes
The Accountant Movies Quotes

The Accountant Movies Quotes 2016 Inspiring Quotes Collection from Trailer

Numbers and facts, always fudged here and there, it's called accounting.


If a man builds a machine and that machine conspires with another machine built by another man, are those men conspiring?


“Define Normal.”- Doctor (Jason Davis)

“Looks like someone has seen too many westerns.”- Frank Rice (Ron Prather) while watching Wolff target practice

“You’re probably right, Francis. You’re extremely old.”- Wolff to Francis Silverberg (Jeffery Tambor) about not getting out of jail

“You find one person you can trust. Just one person.”- Silverberg to Wolff

“I like safe. I like you safe.”- Wolff’s handler via phone

“Heavy sigh.”- Wolff’s handler
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“Same spot, Simon. Why would you let me hit you in the same spot?”- Braxton (John Bernthal)

“What do you want, Dana Cummings?”- Wolff

“I have a pocket protector.”- Wolff

“That’s a nice pocket protector.”- Dana

“You’re needed in the area I am paying you to be in.”- Rita Blackburn (Jean Smart) to Dana

“I don’t guess.”- Wolff

“Dead? What did he do, hit him over the head with an adding machine?”- Braxton
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“No, I don’t live here. It’s a storage unit. That would be weird.”- Wolff


“Chris, why are we here?”- Dana looking around at the very expensive hotel

“I thought this hotel had good water pressure.”- Wolf


“Who is Christian Wolff?”- Ray King

“The Accountant.”- Marybeth Medina

“You don’t see that every day.”- Ray King
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“I was old 10 years ago.”- Ray King


“Maybe your son is capable of more than you know.”- Doctor

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The Accountant Movie Review

At the beginning of the movie, Ray King (JK Simmons) asks the question “Do you like puzzles, Marybeth Medina?” That is the theme for the entire movie. Not only does the plot keep you twisting and turning, the genre does as well. Is it an action pic? Is it a suspense thriller? Is it vigilante film? Is it a buddy comedy? The answer is YES! To all of those questions. There is no puzzle about seeing this movie. Go see it! It is fantastic.

Ben Affleck plays Christian Wolff, a mild mannered accountant who is on the Autism Spectrum. Wolf is hired to look into the books of a robotics company owned by Lamar Black (John Lithgow). He meets the accountant that discovered the financial discrepancy for the company, Dana Cummings (Anna Kendrick). Christian and Dana form an unlikely friendship and get to the bottom of the monetary irregularities. Because Wolff may not be what he appears to be, Ray King and Marybeth Medina (Cynthia Addai-Robinson) of the Treasury Department pursue him all the while for suspected shady practices. By the end of the movie, everyone will have their answers and their puzzles will be solved.

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