80 Sad Breakup Quotes For Both Grilfriend and Boyfriend

By: Palak

80 Sad Breakup Quotes For Both Grilfriend and Boyfriend 

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Sad Breakup Quotes For Girlfriend and BoyFriend
Sad Breakup Quotes For Girlfriend and BoyFriend

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Break up Quotes
Break up Quotes

20 Break up quotes for Girlfriend Collection 1

1) I never asked for a lot. All I ever wanted was to be liked by you for who I was, and not for who you wanted me to be.


2) I still can’t understand, why it didn’t work out between me and you. Maybe our love, was really too good to be true.


3) The problem with our relationship was that you were busy trying to mould it according to the whims and fancies of everyone around us while I was busy enjoying it for what it was. Goodbye.

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4) Things would have never come to the point of walking away, if you had not kept deceiving me with your lies every day. Goodbye.


5) I just had one important priority in our relationship – YOU. The problem was that we both had the same priority.


6) You are not worth my love if you need reasons to find me worthy of yours. Goodbye.


7) I still love you, I don’t deny it. But you have corroded my trust, bit by bit. Things would have been just fine, if you had stopped your lies. All you needed to do, was to hear my heart’s cries. We were a perfect couple, so carefree and happy. It’s a pity that the beauty of our love, you just couldn’t see. Goodbye.

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8) I am breaking up with you because my heart was busy dancing to the beats of love while yours spoilt the party by sulking in the corners of fakeness and jealousy.


9) Our breakup may be bitter but it won’t leave lasting scars. Our relationship has been an awesome ride all along. It is just unfortunate that after every party, a hangover is inevitable.

Sad Love Breakup Quotes For Girlfriend and BoyFriend
Sad Love Breakup Quotes For Girlfriend and BoyFriend 
10) Walking away from our relationship is not something I wanted to do. This day would never have come if you loved me like the way I have always loved you.


11) Relationships are like awesome road trips. Sit back and enjoy the beautiful views instead of complaining about the bumps and the potholes.


12) You could have been honest instead of pretending that you loved me. By walking away, I am setting your heart free. It will push a dagger right through my heart, but the pain will be worth it because you never loved me from the very start.


13) Expecting to break up without hurting someone, is like expecting yourself to fall in love without liking someone.

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14) Nothing can come close to the intensity with which I loved you, except maybe the intensity with which you took me for granted.


15) I am breaking up with you because you always looked for things that were wrong, but in reality everything was perfect all along.


16) Sometimes, justifying a breakup is as impossible as justifying love.


17) All this time, you were hell bent on counting the number of times I tried to make you happy while I was focused on counting the number of times I stopped you from feeling sad. Goodbye.


18) Even though we are breaking up I will never hate the love that we once had. After all, it’s not love’s fault that you never embraced the good and always spotted the bad.


19) All this time my heart loved you with all its might, not knowing that the malice in yours would reduce it to a sorry plight.

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20) This day wouldn’t have come, if you had stopped finding faults and looked at my strengths instead. This day wouldn’t have come, if you had stopped bickering about the things I hadn’t done and appreciated the things I did. This day wouldn’t have come, if you had stopped listening to what others told you and listened to what my heart had to say.

20 Break up quotes for Girlfriend Collection 2

Love Breakup Quotes For Her
Love Breakup Quotes For Her
21) Sometimes, breakups are the bitter pills that cure you from toxic relationships.


22) The problem with our relationship was that you kept thinking about the fights we had in the past while I kept thinking about the smiles we would share in the future.


23) You constantly tried to make our relationship perfect while I constantly believed that it was already perfect. Goodbye.

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24) Don’t blame me for letting go now, because you let go a long time back.


25) Don’t expect me to tell you why I am breaking up with you. Just like how you never told me why you never got around to accepting me for who I am. Goodbye.

26) While you try to justify your actions by terming them as harmless white lies, I want you to put your hand on my heart and feel how you made it cry. You never bothered to feel my pain and wipe off the tears from my eyes, now I have no choice but to move on and say goodbye.


27) I don’t regret asking you out. The only thing that I do regret, is believing that you would like me as much as I liked you.


28) When I loved you, I loved you so much that I never thought of hating you. But now that I hate you, I hate you so much that I can never think of loving you again. Goodbye.

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29) All this time, my life and our relationship focused on YOU and ONLY YOU. I’ve had enough and it’s time that I began focusing on Me and ONLY ME.


30) True love comes in all shapes and sizes except one – yours. Goodbye.


31) Instead of admitting that you were wrong, you expected me to play along. Instead of cherishing the relationship that we had, you chose to let petty things drive you mad. Instead of basking in love and being happy, you were busy trying to find faults with me. Instead of letting my heart rot through and through, I am breaking up with you.


32) It was easy for you to pretend that you were in love with me. But it won’t be easy for me to pretend that I am not heartbroken.


33) Don’t be sad… just because I am breaking up with you, doesn’t mean I hate you. Much similar to how just because you were in a relationship with me, didn’t mean that you loved me too.

34) When I fell in love with you I had butterflies in my stomach. Little did I know that they would soon morph into nasty bees that will make their way up to my heart and sting in the most painful ways. I am breaking up with you.


35) The silly arguments will come and go, but the malice in your heart will never stop to grow. Breaking up with the girl of my dreams will be tough, but now I think I’ve had enough.


36) Our love made me feel alive and it set me free. It nurtured me, like how roots do to a tree. But your malicious ways pinned me down in misery, I began feeling as if I was locked in captivity. I never wanted our relationship to end, but sadly I can no longer pretend. Goodbye.


37) Instead of nurturing our relationship with honesty, you smeared it with lies. Instead of using your love to paint a rainbow, you gave a dark hue to my life’s skies.

38) I always thought that our relationship was immune to all the storms life could throw at us. But I didn’t think about the biggest one – YOU. Goodbye.


39) I will never understand what made you lie, cheat and betray but I sure am not going to wait to find out. Goodbye.


40) The problem with our relationship was that you were constantly trying to find things we could do together so that we could show to the world that we were happy. Whereas I always found happiness, in just being together with you.

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Find and save ideas about Breakup Quotes on Pinterest, the world's catalog of ideas. See more about Sad Breakup Quotes, Sad Breakup and Quotes. It's time for another “quotes” article.This time it's going to be a collection of some of the most inspiring break up quotes.This collection of breakup quotes perfectly describes just how much having a broken heart SUCKS.

Read 50 Awesome Quotes Of Love 2016

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Love Breakup Quotes for Him
Love Breakup Quotes for Him

20 Break up quotes for Boyfriend Collection 1

1) I never meant to break your heart but you never bothered to understand mine. Goodbye.


2) It’s not that I don’t care about your feelings, but things haven’t remained the same. For the way we have drifted apart, we both are to blame. How much longer all this can go on, I have my doubts. Breaking up and going our separate ways, is the only way out.


3) The time has come to say goodbye, even though it will make me cry. I never thought that it would come to this, but this is our last kiss.

4) A breakup is not something I had on my mind but I still want it – just like how love was not on yours but you still pretended to.


5) Our relationship was always about give and take… until you stopped giving but never stopped taking. Goodbye.


6) What really hurts, isn’t how you make me feel like a loser today, but the memories of how you made me feel special before.


7) You insulted my commitment with betrayal and marred my love with lies. You were indifferent to my pleas and apathetic to my heart’s cries. Since you don’t have a spine, let me say this to you – there is no way out now, breaking up is all that is left to do.

8) I knew I fell in love with you on the day when my heart became yours and refused to be mine. Today it’s time to walk away because your heart refuses to be mine.


9) As painful as it is, tolerating heartbreak is still better than tolerating your lies. Goodbye.


10) I am breaking up with you… maybe I’ll regret this, maybe I won’t. But it doesn’t matter, because I know you won’t.


11) I will never deny that I loved you. But someone has rightly said that with time, things change… and so did you. Goodbye.


12) Every moment we have spent together will be a memory that I will hold close to my heart. But now is the time to move on and make a new start. We are breaking up but I don’t regret being girlfriend and boyfriend. We have always understood each other and I hope our friendship never ends.


13) I want to break up with you. It’s not that I have begun to hate you but it’s because my heart has stopped loving you.

14) My love may be unconditional but there was an unspoken condition when I gave you my heart – it’s yours only as long as you love it. Goodbye.


15) I am breaking up with you. Our relationship will die but our love will live on.


16) Breaking up will hurt me more than it will hurt you – just like how being together gave me more joy than it did to you.


17) Breaking up with you is not my choice but I don’t have any other option – just like how loving me was a choice but you did it as if you had no other option.


18) I never thought that my feelings for you would change but then again, I never thought that you would change either. Goodbye.

19) I am the same girl who gave you my heart to love it. Instead you chose to corrode it with malice, bit by bit. Goodbye.


20) Our breakup will hurt me as much as it hurts you, but it is something that we must do. Our fights and arguments have ripped our love to shreds, there’s no point in trying to revive something that is already dead.

20 Break up quotes for Boyfriend Collection 2

Break up quotes for Boyfriend
Break up quotes for Boyfriend
21) I walked away because you were busy finding faults in me, while I was busy overlooking yours.


22) Our breakup will hurt me a lot but I’d rather mend a broken heart than suffocate in a toxic relationship. Goodbye.


23) I am breaking up with you because I am sick of being a second priority to the person, who has always been my priority number one.


24) You treated our relationship like a Facebook status update that you could conveniently change every day. I am sorry but I refuse to be treated this way. Goodbye.

25) EVERYTHING is the only thing I regret about being with you. Goodbye.


26) You will never be the guy my heart sees and I will never be the girl you want me to be. Goodbye.


27) Heartbreak is something that I never wanted to give to you. My decision to dump you is going to hurt me too. But I don’t expect you to understand any of this, you concern for our relationship has always been remiss.


28) It has been quite a while since you knew, that I want to break up with you. Today is the fateful day when I am firm on my decision, I hope we can part without any complications.

29) I never imagined that the guy of my dreams would give me nightmares too. The way you have changed, is why I am breaking up with you.


30) As my boyfriend you had the right to ask me to be yours, which I was. As your girlfriend I had the right to ask you to be mine, which you didn’t. I don’t think there’s anything else left to say, it’s best if we just walk our separate ways.


31) The coldest of hugs and soulless kisses, shallow lies and a barrage of false promises. Total disrespect and an obvious lack of care, absence of love and virtually nothing to share. You have left me with no option but to, hold back my tears and break up with you.


32) We both knew what it was going to take to make our relationship work. The only difference is that I look forward to doing those things while you looked away. Goodbye.


33) Now I realize that you didn’t change. It’s just that you pretended to be someone else in the beginning. Goodbye.

34) There was a time when I loved you like crazy, and that will never change – unlike YOU. Goodbye.


35) Our relationship was my whole world, while yours was outside it. Goodbye.


36) Before you ask me why I want to break up with you, ask your heart why it did not love me like how it was supposed to.


37) Breaking up with you is the only thing in my life that sounds terribly wrong but feels soulfully right. Goodbye.


38) I never wanted to breakup with you but fate had something else in store. All the jealousy and possessiveness has made our connection sore. I don’t harbor bad feelings for you in my heart, but I think it’s time for a new start.

39) It’s not that I don’t deserve someone’s love. It’s just that you don’t deserve mine.


40) Our relationship was not a mistake but it is definitely something I would not want to do again. We are so different that being in love causes us both so much pain. Goodbye.

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  1. Its just how life goes and you have your own destiny and we can't change it because we can't chose it.
