Good Luck Wishes And Quotes For Bussiness and Entrepreneurs

By: Palak

Good Luck Wishes And Quotes For Bussiness and Entrepreneurs 

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Good Luck Quotes from JamboQuote, an extensive collection of quotations by famous authors, celebrities, and newsmakers. Good luck wishes, messages and sayings. Find just the right thing to say to wish someone good luck.

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good luck wishes for bussiness
good luck wishes for bussiness

Good Luck Wishes And Quotes Collection 1

1) Starting a business is often, a triumph of heart over logic. Best wishes.


2) For enterprising businessmen like you, every obstacle presents an opportunity new. Good luck for your business.


3) Whether you have profits, whether you have losses – when you come home you will always have my hugs and kisses. Good luck for the business, says your Mrs.

4) Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine that my young boy would grow up into a man who would one day become his own boss. Son, good luck for your business.


5) May your new business get you lots of fortune, name and fame. I wish you good luck in reaching the top of your game.


6) Don’t just dream of being happy. Let your dreams unravel happiness in lives of those around you. Good luck for your startup.

7) As you take your first baby steps towards becoming an IT entrepreneur, always remember that the ability to make fancy software and expensive gadgets does not always lead to success. It is the ability to adapt them to become useful in the lives of ordinary people is what leads to success. Good luck for your startup.

8) Most people in this world run after higher pays, better perks or bigger promotions. You are courageous enough to run after your dreams and passion. Good luck for your new business.

9) Every dreamer is not a doer and every doer is not a dreamer. You have the deadly combination of being a dreamer and a doer. Good luck for your business.

10) Starting a new business is like writing the chapter in the book of your life, which will make it a bestseller. Good luck.


11) You have chosen that path in life which many want to take but few actually dare to. Good luck with your new business venture.


12) It is good to be driven by measuring results and using a metric, but don’t forget that a business in its core is people centric. Good luck for your new business.

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13) Real businessmen know that you cannot be successful by chance. Success is a result of courageous choices based on an enterprising vision and good business ethics. Wishing you success in your startup.

14) Your asset of optimism will outperform your expenses, liabilities and make your business run into profits. I wish you the best.

15) Initiative, Inventiveness, Influence, Ingenuity, Integrity and Ideas – you have all the I’s that will help you say ‘I will be successful’. Good luck with your new business.

16) Dreams and ideas are worthless if they aren’t backed by the sheer courage to DO. Good luck for taking the bold step of setting up your own business.

17) I don’t know about you, but I have a gut feeling that you are about to meet two new people in your life whose names are Success and Riches. Good luck for your new business.


18) I know you will succeed because you have a big appetite for, risk and success both! Wishing you the best for your startup.

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19) As you start a new business, I wish that failure is behind you, success is in front of you and luck is by your side.

20) It doesn’t matter that you are setting up a home business. What matters is that you are going to bring home happiness with your success. Good luck mate.

Good Luck Wishes And Quotes Collection 2

21) A business may look glamorous from the outside but only an entrepreneur knows the dirty and gritty side of the blood, sweat and tears it takes to be successful. God speed my friend.


22) Owning a business is like being President of a country – you can call the shots but you also have to bear the brunt of failure. Good luck.

23) Some people get complacent with their permanent jobs and keep working until they retire. Some people are focused, career oriented and motivated enough to switch jobs for better pay and better opportunities. But very few people like you are brave enough to step out of the comfort zone in an attempt to create business and a legacy. Congratulations and good luck.

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24) No matter how delicious are the meals you serve up at your new restaurant, always remember that a heart of a business lies in honest food and good customer service. Wishing you good luck.

25) As long as you treat your customers like kings and queens, you will be royally successful. Good luck in running your new franchisee.


26) Only the brave have the courage to follow their hearts because in life, it is easier to follow instructions than to follow dreams. Wish you the best for following yours and going all-in for your startup.

27) A new business is like a new baby – you have to give it birth, nurture it, feed it and grow it until it begins to function by itself. Good luck with your new baby.

28) As an employee, you were prepared to stay in office until late night. As an entrepreneur, you will have to be prepared to spend the whole night in office. Good luck with your new enterprise.

29) You are special not because you were in a good position in your previous job, but because you had the guts to leave and face destiny right in the eye by becoming an entrepreneur. Good luck.

30) I hope I never get a chance to enter your newly opened store, because I want it to be jam packed with customers all the time. Good luck.

31) Real entrepreneurs don’t wait for chances, they create them – just like you did. Good luck for your new venture.

32) Entrepreneurs aren’t a different breed. They are just normal people with an unrelenting passion that refuses to take no for an answer. Congratulations for being one.

33) I hope your business is fool proof to financial recessions and water tight to market fluctuations. Good luck with your new endeavor.

34) As an entrepreneur, you have given yourself the potential to change lives. Good luck for your startup.

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35) Honest entrepreneurs like you are crazy about power – not to show off but to make a difference in the lives of others. Good luck.

36) The world becomes a better place, one honest and hard-working entrepreneur at a time. More power to you.

37) Even rocket science is easier than putting your life-savings on the line to pursue your dreams of becoming an entrepreneur. All the best.

38) You are going to be a successful ENTREPRENEUR because you are Enterprising, Nimble, Thrifty, Resourceful, Enthusiastic, Persuasive, Resolute, Eager, Nifty, Ethical, Unique and Righteous. Good luck.


39) Since you have tons of determination and pluck, the last thing you need in your business is good luck. Wish you the best.


40) I hope you always win by creating a win-win situation for your customers and vendors. Good luck for your new business setup.

Conclusion: This is All About Good Luck Wishes And Quotes , in future i will write or arrange some of more quotes about that.If you Like my Efforts than feel free this on Social Websites i.e FacebookTwitterGoogle +Pinterest etc.

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